Travel styling


Hi gorgeous,

Are you going on vacation and don't know which outfits to wear and take with you or to shop? No problem! with this package I will find the perfect looks for you and your vacation, whether you are going to new york or the alps. And no matter how long you'll be there!  You will look great and have a wonderful vacation! This bundle includes complete outfits styled by me, based on all of your wishes! You can choose between looks with clothes from your closet or looks with new clothes that I find online. I am going to give you the exact links and a picture to visualize the look. The bundle does only contain clothing but also accessoires, jewlery, make up, as well as suggestions on how to do your hair! To get styled, DM me on Instagram ( or fill out this form by clicking on it. The "Travel styling" bundle costs 8 Euro per outfit. You can choose how many outfits you need and decide how you want to pay!

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