

I am styling you!

  • Description

I am styling you online and giving you the exact clothing to buy or based on the things in your own closet. The styling will be for you personally and based on your personal wishes, size and budget. The styling bundles contain links on the clothing i have chosen, a picture to visualize the outfit for you,accesoires as well as suggestions on make up and hair.

I work with every request!

  • How does it work?

You can send me a direct message via Instagram ( saying which style bundle you're interested in or fill out this form. You will recieve a form to fill out via Instagram, E-mail or google forms. You will have to fill in your size, style, personal wishes, budget ect. for me to find a perfect outfit for you. After that you can choose between paying through paypal or transfer (germany). You will get a document through E-Mail or Instagram with the outfit as soon as possible.

Any questions? DM me via instagram

Remember: you are beautiful <3

Xoxo, Aylin

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