Styling Info & Bundles


Have you ever seen an outfit, no matter if on the street, on a celebrity or on Pinterest and thought: I wish I knew where she got it from! or: I wish there was a more affordable version! Let me tell you: there is! And I know exactly where to find it. This is what this bundle is about:...

Travel styling


Are you going on vacation and don't know which outfits to wear and take with you or to shop? No problem! with this package I will find the perfect looks for you and your vacation, whether you are going to new york or the alps. And no matter how long you'll be there! You will look great and have...

Your closet


So much in your closet and you have nothing to wear or can't decide what to wear? Maybe for a specific event? Well, no problem for me! This bundle includes complete outfits styled by me from your own closet, based on all of your wishes! The bundle does not only contain clothing but also suggestions on how to do...

This bundle includes 5 complete outfits styled by me, based on all of your wishes! I am going to give you the exact links and a picture to visualize the look. The bundle not only contains clothing but also accessoires, jewlery, make up, as well as suggestions on how to do your hair! To get styled, DM me on...

Full Styling


This bundle includes 1 complete outfit styled by me, based on all of your wishes! I am going to give you the exact links and a picture to visualize the look. The bundle not only contains clothing but also accessoires, jewlery, make up, as well as suggestions on how to do your hair! To get styled, DM me on...



I am styling you online and giving you the exact clothing to buy or based on the things in your own closet. The styling will be for you personally and based on your personal wishes, size and budget. The styling bundles contain links on the clothing i have chosen, a picture to visualize the outfit for you,accesoires as well as...

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